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Currently a senior software developer @ the MathWorks, in another life I was a post-doctoral fellow in Software Engineering working in the DiverSE Inria team, led by Pr. Olivier Barais. I am particularly interested in unleashing the power of Model-driven Engineering (MDE). This is either by enabling the development of scalable MDE-based applications or redefining the boundaries of the MDE approach to handle timely aspects.
I held a Ph.D. in computer science from Mines Nantes, under the supervision of Jordi Cabot, Massimo Tisi, and Gerson SunyƩ. During my Ph.D. thesis, I focused on scalability issues in MDE, especially scalable model transformation and persistence. In this framework, I developed ATL-MR, a tool enabling the automatic execution of MTs in ATL on top of MapReduce, and contributed to the implementation of NeoEMF a scalable model persistence framework.
I've participated in two projects, a European, MONDO-project, and a French the ITM-Factory. Moreover, I was a program committee member of the International Conference on Wireless Networks and Mobile Communications and the IEEE Mediterranean Conference on Electronics. I am also participating in the program committee of the Tools and Demos track at the MODELS 2018 conference. Prior to this, I sub-reviewed papers at Conferences and Journals, such as SoSym, JSS, JOT, MODELS, SOFSEM, ICWE, and others.